Curso de BlokChain.
Dirigido a profesionales que se relacionen con soluciones compatibles con blockchain, como industria de software, industria de logística, industria de servicios médicos, industria financiera, gobierno, etc.
1: Funciones Hash: Merkle-Damgård transforms, SHA2, RIPEMD-160, SHA3(Keccak), Timestamping.
2: Attacks on hash function: Brute Force Attacks, CryptanalyticalAttacks .
3: Esquemas y propiedades de las funciones hash: High min-entropy, Collision Resistance, Hiding, Commitment scheme, Puzzle Friendliness.
4: Otras funciones hash: hash: Scrypt (litecoin), Ethash (ethereum), Equihash (zerocash, bitcoin gold).
5: Esquemas de Firma Digital usados en Blockchain: Curvas elípticas: NIST, Weierstrass, Edwards, hiperelípticas, ECDH, ECDSA, Schnorr: multifirma, Group Signature, Ring Signature, Onetime Signatures, Bilinear Schemes, Postquantum Schemes, Accumulators based on pairings.
6: Merkle Trees, Merkle Patricia Tree, Peer-to-Peer Communication Models, Hashcash.
7: Distributed consensus protocols. Byzantine consensus protocols: Proof of the work, Proof of stake, Proof of Burn, Another Proof of.
8: P2P Networks. BlockChain.
9: Attacks: Double spend attack, 51 $\%$ Attack, Eclipse Attack, DNS Attacks, Distributed Denial of Service Attacks, DDoS Attacks in Private Blockchain, The Finney attack, Consensus Delay.
Sustituya (at) por @
Con atención a José de Jesús Ángel Ángel.
Teléfono: +52 (55)-5730-5538
Teléfono celular: +52 (55)-17306307
CV pdf file available.